Sunday, December 6, 2009

Carrot Cake with Pinapples and Rasins oh my!

i've made it a goal to attempt to bake at least once a week, last week was banana bread^^

This past weekend I was trying to think of a creative way to thank the British guys I work with for all of the rides home at the wee hours of the morning. They feel uncomfortable with getting gas money so I decided I would give them food. I baked a carrot cake with nuts, raisins and pineapple. It actually tasted a lot like a fruit cake, according to a classmate of mine. I ate half the pan and went to work waddling around with the peices I had managed to save for the guys. In addition, I made chocolate chip cookies from scratch and the boys were delighted! Apparently it was yum! horray!

look at these happy eggs with smiles on them! It's because they're free range i guess...