Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dolmades for the very first time

Today, after sitting in classes from 9-5pm, I rushed home to put on proper work out clothes to power walk to the closest fresh fish shop in hopes of a healthy dinner. I arrived outside the shop at 5:55pm and the closing sign said 6pm, but I wasn't allowed in because they had already started closing.

Ugh Geelong why does everything close so early? what do working parents do?

I decided the next best thing would be to go into "Safeways," a huge chain food store and get a box of frozen fillets. I found there were many boxes of breaded and battered fish that were very cheap (perhaps because it's all batter and no fish?) I finally found the plainest kind they offered and settled with that box.

I decided I should cruise the canned food section for some beets. Everyday this week, when my fellow classmates sit down for lunch, I can't help but get excited about all the different packed lunches. I was inspired to add some beets to my jumbled bean salad.

I was also looking for "dolmades." A classmate was eating these little vine leaves during lunch yesterday and |I had no idea what they were! (feeling really uncultured) I decided to buy a can and try them out.
A can of them was about $4 and I purchased the ones with pine nuts in them. It was delicious! Really strong in flavour but I'm very excited to see what an excellent contribution they will make to my bean salad tomorrow^^

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